Be Part of the Journey: Help Launch True Pros

True Pros is publishing a book series that uncovers the complete stories of exceptional professionals. Our first book features twelve commercial real estate leaders who share their journey, decisions, and insights through extensive interviews. Learn more about True Pros →

We're seeking thoughtful beta and ARC (Advance Reader Copy) readers who'll get exclusive early access to these conversations. As an early reader, you'll help shape the final manuscript through your feedback and support the launch with your reviews.

Sign Up Today

Limited spots, so please provide as much info as you feel comfortable.

    Can you commit to reading and providing feedback within 3-4 weeks of receiving the content?
    Would you be willing to be quoted or featured in promotional materials?

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time. We won't share your email or spam you.

    Jake James

    True Pros Media

    Beta Readers

    What is it?

    You'll receive sections of the book over time. The focus will be on providing constructive feedback on the book’s content, structure, and clarity.

    What Will You Get?

    • Early access
    • Shoutout in Acknowledgements
    • Behind the scenes look
    • Help shape the book
    • Help out the CRE community

    ARC Readers

    What is it?

    You'll receive the full finished copy early. The focus will be on spreading the word about the book by posting reviews and promoting it.

    What Will You Get?

    • Full book before the release date
    • Shoutout on social media
    • Shoutout in the upcoming newsletter
    • Be part of the launch of a new business